Thursday 11 February 2010

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Pitch of Ideas!!!!


A string of murders all carry one thing in common, a mysterious jacket. Follow Detectives Jones and Peters as they journey through a world of murder, betrayal, lies and sex in this film noir extravaganza, brought to you by first time director Dave Swales.

"The best film I've ever seen!" C. Percival

"I lost control of my bowels due to extreme suspense!" S. Pickford

"I especially would never watch anything ever written by Dave Swales!" T. Swales


T.S. Cinema

DavLab Studio's

The Curse of The Tailors Jacket

Detective Jones

Detective Peters

Shrouded man one

Shrouded man two

Casting Director
Dave Swales

Line Producer
Dave Swlaes

Self-indulgence Issues
Dave Swales

Shot and Cut by Dave Swales

Music by
DavLab Stuio's

Executive Producers
Sally Pickford
Carl Percival

Written and Directed by Dave Swlaes

INT. Shot: Detective Jones is sat at his type writer, cigarette hanging out of his mouth and a cup of coffee steaming. His voice over tells us all we need to know,

Voice Over:
It was a cold shitty night in Hartlepool. A back water cesspit of of lies and deceit. I received a tip off earlier that night to goto Jack's Tailors on Whitby Street. 8.30 was the time. Had to be there by quarter to. My partner knew all the details. (Quick shots of partner putting on his jacket, getting his car keys and closing the car door. We hear the car pull away as we cut back to Jones' house. ((Sound bridge bitches)) Jones is stood up putting his coat on.) He would be picking me up any minute now. (Car horn beeps outside.) He's Late.

INT. Shot: Inside the car. Peters is driving while Jones smokes. Jones is nearly always smoking.

Those things will kill ya.

I'll kill you.

You're not indestructable Jones!

Voice Over:
He didn't know how write he was.

EXT. Shot: Outside of the car.

Voice Over:
I advised Peters to stay in the car.

(To Peters) Stay in the car dick head!

EXT. Shot: Jones slams the door and walks down a back alley towards the rear door of the shop.

Voice Over:
This alley stinks. Just like everything else in this town. Reaching the door I knocked the knock of 6,000 knocks.

(Jones knocks on the door 6,000 times. The door opens and we see a shrouded character stood behind it.)

Jack's Tailors, Whitby Street?

Shrouded Man One:
No! (The door slams closed.)

Voice over:
The tailors was next door. (Jones walks to the next door.) It was always next door. The story of my fucking life. I went next door and... oh fuck it. you know the drill.

(Shot of Jones knocking another 6,000 times. The door opens in exactly the same way. Same shrouded figure.)

Shrouded Man Two:
You're right on time. Come with me.

INT. Shot: The two are waking through a darkened corridor. 

Shrouded Man Two:
Be quiet. They're in there!

(Jones reaches for his gun as they open the door slightly. Shot reverse of the door as the two heads poke out. Just as there full faces poke out a gun goes off and their faces get sprayed with blood.


Monday 8 February 2010

Assessment 6 Actors/Props/Costumes/Locations

The scene will only require 4 actors due to its simplicity. seen as the scene is set mainly around the one lead character, the other characters are simply 'bit' characters. There for a line or facial.
The lead will be recording a voice over also to play out over the entirety of the scene, setting the scene for the rest of the production. the other characters include the leads partner, and 2 shrouded characters, who's names are never revealed.

Props are really minimal. Typewriter, Car, Car Keys, Cup, Ashtray, Cigarette and Fake Blood. (Typical Film Noir Accessories) 

The costumes will consist of 2 suits for the detectives and 2 long black shrouds for the other two characters. I have chosen the suits because they are police officers, but not uniformed, and the shrouds because the identity of the other characters is to remain hidden.

I have chosen to shoot on location at my house as I can create an area where dim lighting, and all the props can be used safely. This will be the first half of the scene. The second will be filmed on route in the car, and outside the back of the Hill Carter Hotel. I have regular access to this as I work there (zim!), and it is a prime location for the final shots as it has multiple rooms I will have access to, for filming.

Thursday 4 February 2010

Assessment 3

18 Films


Material that breaches a law or is an offence of the law.


Where the explicit images from sexual acts that cannot be justified by context. Such images may be confined to R 18 only but some are in ordinary 18 films.


Where there are images that risk harm to individuals through behaviour. Such as violence or dangerous acts and harm to public health morals.


Sex scenes I 18’s can be used as education purposes and are permitted.


Sex material containing certain only normal sex can be passed as 18. However films, which have strong fetish material or incredibly explicit animated images, are also confirmed to R18 films. Material which is unacceptable for R18 films are also acceptable for ordinary 18 films.

15 Films




In the whole of the film there must not be a single reference or phrase that can be related back to a racist or racially derogative term. Should a film incorporate this it need to be given a higher rating or remain unclassified.



In the film if there is a particular scene that incorporates drugs it must not fully endorse drug use. It must not make the idea of taking drugs appeal to audiences of the film.



Scenes of strong threatening behaviour are allowed unless the scene becomes sadistic or even sexualised.


Imitable behaviour                 

In the film, there should be no scenes that glamorise easily accessible weaponry. There should also be no scenes in which suicide or grievous bodily harm to oneself should not be shown so as to allow these acts to be imitated.


Certain words such as “fuck” can be used but must not be used in an excess. However the stronger words must only be used if they can be justified by the context of the scene.



There are no constraints on the acts of sex in a 15 film. However the acts performed must not be in great detail or be too explicit.



Sexual activity must not be in strong detail and loose references to sexual acts are allowed. However the strongest of these references are not permitted unless the context justifies them. A sexual act with the sole purpose to arouse will not be permitted.



No themes are not permitted as long as the content is suited for persons of age 15 or higher.



Strong violence is allowed but it must not dwell on the actual infliction of the damage and the scene. The strongest of these gory images are unlikely to be accepted. Strong sexual or sadistic acts of violence are not permitted. Verbal references to sexualised violence must be discreet and have strong justification to the context.